Moore And Young Legal Solutions
Where Creatives Come To Protect Their Brand & Solidify Their Legacy

Let Us Ignite Your Audience!
What To Expect
Are you looking for dynamic speakers, workshop facilitators or to interview one of our attorneys? We pride ourselves in giving messages from the heart to motivate your audience, activate your sense of achievement and leave words of lasting encouragement. That is what our team delivers because every time we reach out is a chance for us to make a lasting impression and change a life.
How To Submit A Request
To inquire about having our attorneys speak, facilitate a workshop or be a guest on your show, please fill out the form located at the bottom of this page and we will reach out to you within 24-48 hours.

Did you know Attorney Moore and Attorney Young love speaking and facilitating to diverse crowds on entrepreneurship, law school, legal issues, motivation, motherhood and inspiring the youth? Below are some of our favorite signature topics. If you would like us to speak at your event or CLE, be a guest on your podcast or be featured in an article, book us below!